Member Transit Insurance

The Member Transit Insurance scheme is designed to provide a competitive alternative to livestock owners and members of the SSAC for their transit insurance requirements.

What is the pricing?

  • SSAC Members will enjoy an agreed premium rate on the Total Sum Insured declared
  • Policy is subject to monthly declarations of transits

What is the policy limit?

  • Limit of Liability is $500,000.

What is the policy excess?

  • NIL for SSAC Members

What type of livestock is automatically covered?

  • Sheep, cattle, goats and pigs and/or other herd animals as identified in the Policy Schedule.

What type of livestock can be considered in addition to the above?

  • Alpacas, Llamas, Camels, Deer, Horses (bloodstock excluded) can be considered upon application.
  • Ostriches and domesticated fowl: chickens, ducks, geese, turkey, guinea fowl, pigeons, quail or pheasants can also be considered upon application.

What type of livestock is excluded?

  • Bloodstock, prize animals, racehorses, birds, exotic or other animals.

Is Studstock included?

  • Studstock is covered up to $10,000 per animal/$20,000 any one loss, if this optional extension is selected upon application
  • Subject to variation to Standard Premium Rate

What is the basis of cover?

The Policy covers the death and/or mortality of livestock caused by an accident during transit, provided that -

  • Livestock are in a good state of health prior to loading, and
  • Are fit for travel

The policy also includes:

  • The humane killing of livestock which is necessary following an accident during transit
  • Theft, pilferage and non-delivery of the Livestock
  • Death and/or mortality of livestock caused by strikers, locked out workers or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions or damage caused by persons acting maliciously.

Are there any coverage extensions?

  • Intermediate storage - The Policy is extended to cover all intermediate storage during transit and prior to delivery into the warehouse at the final destination anywhere in Australia, for a period not exceeding seven (7) days.
  • Agistment expenses (inland livestock only) - $1,000 limit per animal and $100,000 in the aggregate.
  • Mustering costs (inland livestock only) - $1,000 limit per animal and $100,000 in the aggregate
  • Wandering off (inland livestock only) - $100,000 limit
  • Refused Cargo (amended to livestock)
  • Removal of Debris, Disposal and Authorities' Costs Clause

Are there any distance limitations for inland transits?

There are no Territorial Limits - This policy applies in respect of Occurrences anywhere in Australia, including Australian Territory. The same rate will apply for all transits anywhere in Australia.

When does cover start/finish?

When you sell Livestock at auction

  • Cover commences when the livestock proceed on to the loading ramp of the conveying vehicle from the ground or loading dock adjacent to the conveying vehicle.
  • Cover ends at either the fall of the hammer or upon expiry of 72 hours after the livestock exit the loading ramp adjacent to the conveying vehicle at the receiver's or other designated warehouse or premises or at any earlier point where you have interrupted the ordinary course of transit (whichever occurs first)

When you purchase Livestock at Auction

  • Cover commences at the fall of the hammer.
  • Cover ends when the livestock exit the loading ramp adjacent to the conveying vehicle at the receiver's or other designated warehouse or premises or at any earlier point where you have interrupted the ordinary course of transit (provided that livestock commence loading prior to the expiry of the 72 hours from fall of hammer, otherwise cover ceases and reattaches at the point of loading).

All other Transits

  • Cover commences when the livestock proceed on to the loading ramp of the conveying vehicle from the ground or loading dock adjacent to the conveying vehicle.
  • Cover ends when the livestock exit the loading ramp adjacent to the conveying vehicle at the receiver's or other designated warehouse or premises or at any earlier point where you have interrupted the ordinary course of transit.

What is the claims basis of settlement?

  • Direct Sales/purchases - sales/purchase invoice value including freight costs
  • Sales/purchases following auction - auction sales/purchase price including freight costs

NOTE: In the event that a loss occurs prior to sale at auction, insurers will look at the average costs of sale of similar livestock occuring at auction within the last 90 days, plus freight costs

  • Other transits - market value plus freight

Who is the Insurer?

  • HDI Global SE, Australia

How quickly does a claim get processed?

  • Same day claim payments (subject to correct underwriting paperwork).

For more information or to arrange Transit Insurance for your business, contact us today.

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